The Transition of Arithmetic Thinking Ability to Algebraic Thinking Ability in Mathematics Learning
arithmetic thinking ability, algebraic thinking abilityAbstract
Existing study revealed that the role of algebra in today's learning is focused on many perspectives so that traditional algebra learning requires fundamental renewal as well as change of way of thinking. Algebra learning today should be focused more on mastering and applying algebra in various contexts of everyday life. The study was conducted with the aim to get a picture of the transition of thinking ability from arithmetic to algebra. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the transition indicator of the ability of arithmetic thinking to the ability of algebraic thinking can be achieved well, only the students still make mistakes when performing negative number operations because students face difficulty in distinguishing the number sign and the sign of operation involved in the operation. This should be anticipated considering it indispensable in advanced algebra.
Keywords: arithmetic thinking ability, algebraic thinking ability
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