Jurnal Gantang
<p>Jurnal Gantang is published by Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. The articles written for Jurnal Gantang are state-of-the-art research articles in the field of Mathematics Education. Starting in 2022, Jurnal Gantang will be published in May and November twice a year. Jurnal Gantang is a journal with a blind review system that is an essential aspect of disseminating knowledge. Jurnal Gantang has been nationally accredited (<strong>SINTA 3</strong>) based on <strong><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyzLry1okYQg5jU1AevYEC0q2IYTdX39/view?usp=sharing">Surat Keputusan Nomor 3/E/KPT/2019.</a> </strong><strong>Online ISSN: <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1481077489">2548-5547</a></strong><strong>Printed ISSN: <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1457412914">2503-0671</a> </strong><strong><img src="https://ojs.umrah.ac.id/public/site/images/febrian/gggggy.png" alt="gggggy.png"> Prefix: 10.31629 by<img src="https://ojs.umrah.ac.id/public/site/images/febrian/crossref_logo.png" alt="crossref_logo.png"></strong></p> <p> </p>Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Hajien-USJurnal Gantang2746-8453Ethnomathematics on floating Kelong from Malang Rapat
<p>Mathematics taught in schools is often associated with the material needs of students; mathematics not only does not have to be understood in the school environment but also understood in other surrounding environments, such as culture and others. This study aimed to determine the ethnomathematics of Malay traditional floating kelong in Malang Rapat, Bintan Regency. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method with an ethnomathematical approach. The research instruments used are observation sheets, interviews and documentation. Based on the research results presented, the author concluded, namely, the use of mathematical concepts in certain cultures and societies, such as the use of addition and subtraction in calculating the amount of wood used or the number of barrels used in floating kelongs. Making floating kelongs using basic mathematics, especially addition and subtraction operations, can be used to calculate the amount of wood used to construct floating kelongs and the number of barrels applied. Taxonomy is also applied to analyze and categorize certain elements in research, concerned with understanding how the components of floating kelong are classified or organized. The role of mathematics in identifying and calculating pesky components (materials that bring good luck or maintain security) used in floating kelongs. Ethnomathematics can also involve understanding the cultural themes underlying the use of mathematics in everyday life, such as how mathematical concepts are integrated with cultural beliefs and practices in the construction of floating kelongs.</p>Dwi Fajri Hasanah HarahapFebrian FebrianNurizati NurizatiSanadia SanadiaMarvina AdeliaNova Indah AmbaritaRara CandraningtyasKurnia Rahmawati
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gantang
2023-12-312023-12-318216718010.31629/jg.v8i2.6662Ethnomathematics on traditional games: Porok from Penaga Village
<p>Ethnomathematics is a science that studies the existence of mathematical concepts in social culture. One of the cultures in Indonesia is traditional games, which are a reflection of local wisdom. Traditional games can be linked to mathematics learning through an ethnomathematics approach. One example is the game of <em>porok</em>. The <em>Porok</em> game is among the most popular traditional games in Penaga Village, Bintan Bay and the Riau Islands. This game can potentially be explored regarding its use in mathematics learning. Thus, this research aims to dig deeper into the mathematical concepts and activities of the <em>porok</em> game as a form of ethnomathematics. This research uses a qualitative approach with an ethnographic design. The data source for this research is the head of the Dang Merdu studio in Penaga Village, Bintan Regency. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique is carried out through 4 stages of analysis: domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis. The research found basic activities and mathematical concepts in this game. The mathematical activities obtained are counting, measuring, explaining, playing and planning. Apart from that, this game has mathematical concepts, namely, value comparison, addition, geometric figures and probability, arithmetic sequences and series, probability and rotation.</p>Nindita Asma Ul HusnaFebrian FebrianMuhamad RiskyYesica Salshabila ArifinIrna Andriani HamudinSarah SarahAnderi AnderiUsnul HakimFildza Wardina
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gantang
2023-12-312023-12-318213314310.31629/jg.v8i2.6653Algebraic thinking ability of grade VIII students using a Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
<p>Students still have limited algebraic reasoning skills, so a learning model called Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is utilized as a teaching strategy to help student develop their algebraic thinking abilities. This study uses the learning model Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to the algebraic thinking skills of class VIII students. The method of research is descriptive qualitative research. The students in class VIII students of SMPN 1 Lahat participated in this study. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) worksheet in accordance with three algebraic thinking abilities: generational activities, transformational activities, and global, meta-level, and mathematical activities. Data for the study came from observations, interviews and written exams. Data from the results of observation sheets are used to see the emergence of indicators of students' algebraic thinking during learning with a total of 2 sessions; data from the results of written tests are used to categorize students' algebraic thinking abilities after learning, taking 2 students from each category, and interviews to clarify the results of students' answers. The findings of this study show that students possess a range of low, medium, and high levels of algebraic thinking ability. The result of the implementation learning model showed that 14 students were in the medium category and 17 students were in the low category.</p>M. Arman Putra KarwanaWeni Dwi Pratiwi
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gantang
2023-12-312023-12-318219920510.31629/jg.v8i2.6640Ethnomathematics in Boria dance from Penyengat Island
<p>Boria dance is an art from Penyengat Island that shows the skill of marching and dancing to the rhythm of music in various song rhythms. The dance is performed by paying attention to the floor pattern, appropriateness of Movement, and appropriate rhythm. All of this is done to achieve the beauty of the dance. This research examines the ethnomathematics of the Boria dance on Penyengat Island. This research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The data source for this research is arts activists at the Penyengat Heritage Cultural Studio. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and documentation with the main instrument, the researcher himself. Next, data analysis was carried out using domain, taxonomy, component, and cultural theme analysis. The research results found that there were mathematical activities, namely counting the beats made by dancers, measuring the distance between dancers before and after entering the stage, and designing the movements and floor patterns of the Boria Dance. The mathematical concepts in this research are multiplication, non-standard units of measurement, angles, and flat figures.</p>Laidy Aprilia ScesaFebrian Febrian Desi Rahmatina
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gantang
2023-12-312023-12-318220721810.31629/jg.v8i2.6637Research on spatial reasoning in mathematics education: Trend and opportunity
<p>Spatial thinking is important in learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Numerous studies about spatial ability in various fields like mathematics, neuroscience and phycologist considered various factors such as gender, age, or demography. However, a few studies are still about enhancing spatial ability in the context of mediated pedagogies. This study aims to describe spatial research on mathematics education, especially related to the intervention or learning design of spatial reasoning. A bibliometric study is employed to determine the research trend of spatial reasoning, especially related to teaching practice. The review follows a structured design consisting of several stages of the PRISMA method. From 652 documents about spatial in mathematics education gathered from the Scopus data, it is reduced to 40 documents regarding spatial reasoning in mathematics education. Further, only 19 documents about intervention and practice in enhancing spatial reasoning exist. This study may benefit researchers in mathematics education by showing the development and trend of spatial reasoning research and suggesting new directions for future research.</p>Evangelista LW PalupiDwi JuniatiSiti Khabibah
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Gantang