Konsep Pemberdayaan: Penyuluhan dan Pemberdayaan Petani Perempuan dalam Konteks Pertanian Berbasis Gender
Penyuluhan Pertanian; Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Petani Perempuan; Pertanian BerkelanjutanAbstract
Empowering women farmers is key to increasing sustainability and food security in modern agrarian societies. This article examines theoretically including the theoretical basis underlying the empowerment of women farmers, with a focuson gender equality; community-based development; and sustainable agriculture. Through in-depth study, this article discusses agricultural extension which plays an important role in empowering women farmers. This research explores the empowerment of women farmers which involves a series of steps and strategies to increase their knowledge, skills, access and confidence in managing agricultural businesses and improving the welfare of their families and communities. Some of the main interventions to empower women farmers are through education and training; access to resources; market increase and added value; social welfare and health aspects; aspects of environmental awareness; technology empowerment; and advocacy and equality. This article presents a theoretical method that provides an in-depth view of th eimportance of inclusion and gender equality in the transformation of the agricultural sector. Policy implications and future research directions provide insights for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers interested in supporting sustainable and inclusive agriculture through empowering women farmers. By strengthening the role of women farmers, we can achieve the national goal of sustainable and fair food security for all.
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