About the Journal

Riset Gender dan Anak Journal with e-ISSN:2962-3979, published by Study Center of Gender dan Children (PSGA) Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji (UMRAH) Kepualaun Riau. The word Regalia comes from English which means symbol of greatness.The editor invites scientists, scholars, professionals, practitioners and researchers in various disciplines to contribute, both of research articles and literature reviews that is concerned with gender, children, elderly, and difabel studies in various perspectives including Islamic studies, religion, culture, politic, education, psychology, sexual harassment, parenting, race and minority class, language and literature, and feminism. The manuscripts accepted will be published after selection, review of sustainable reviewers, and editing process
- Frequency: 2 times a years (July and December)
- ISSN: 2962-3979
- Publisher: Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji (UMRAH) Kepualaun Riau
- Email: puslit_ppga@umrah.ac.id
- APC: Gratis (Submisssion, Publication)
- Indexed: Google Scholar