Perempuan, Modal Sosial, Perawat, COVID-19Abstract
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation in West Kalimantan is
on a worrying threshold. Nurses, doctors and other health workers at
the forefront are among the affected components in this pandemic
situation. The purpose of this research is to map social models that
are strengthening for nurses. In addition to the body's immunity,
social and family strengthening is able to be important as a capital or
psychic power. The method in this study is descriptive analysis, with
data collection through online interviews. Analysis of research data
is carried out in conjunction with data collection, so the triangulation
of data used is the triangulation of data sources. The study found that
female nurses were in hospitals. Dr. Agoesdjam had a strategy in
carrying out tasks during pandemics. They strengthen each other.
Here created a sense of mutual belonging between health workers
who are the vanguard of Covid-19 at dr. Agoesdjam Ketapang
Hospital, with the creation of social capital that is intertwined such
as trust between colleagues, share values or share the feeling and
existence of social networking bonds
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