Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Peluang Melalui Model Connected Mathematics Project Di Kelas VIII
hasil belajar, CMP, peluangAbstract
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa pada materi peluang setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) di kelas VIII. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII.1 SMPN 1 Palembang yang terdiri dari 29 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu tes tertulis yang terdiri dari tiga soal uraian dan wawancara sebagai pendukung data tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa pada materi peluang secara keseluruhan dikategorikan baik dengan rata - rata adalah 76,09, dengan rincian siswa terkategori sangat baik sebanyak 20,69%, terkategori baik sebanyak 44,83%, terkategori cukup sebanyak 24,14%, dan terkategori kurang sebanyak 10,34%. Siswa yang terkategori sangat baik dan baik secara keseluruhan mampu menentukan peluang kejadian dengan mencari banyak ruang sampel dan kejadian suatu percobaan dengan baik. Sedangkan siswa yang terkategori cukup dan kurang masih belum mampu menentukan peluang kejadian yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan dalam menentukan banyak ruang sampel dan kejadian suatu percobaan.
Kata kunci: hasil belajar; CMP; peluang
This research is a descriptive research that aims to find out student learning outcomes in material of probability after applying model of learning namely Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) in class VIII. The subjects of this research were students of class VIII.1 from SMPN 1 Palembang which consists of 29 students. Technique of collecting data that used on this research were written test which consist of three essay question and interview as a supporter of test data. The research results shows that student learning outcomes in the material of probability overall are categorized good with the average is 76.09, with categorized of excellent students as much as 20.69%, good categorized as much as 44.83%, enough categorized as much as 24.14% , and the low categorized as much as 10.34%. Students who are categorized excellent and good, overall are able to determine the probability of the event by finding sample space and events of an experiment well. While students who are categorized enough and low still have not been able to determine the probability of events caused by errors in determining the sample space and the event of an experiment.
Keywords: learning outcomes; CMP; probability
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