The Dutchman, Chinese Klonthong, Javanese Skippers in Trade on the North Coast of Java in the 18th Century
VOC, Chinese Klontong, Java Skipper, Shipping, TradeAbstract
ABSTRACT This paper discusses the differential social structure activities of Dutch Businessmen or VOC, Chinese Klontong and Javanese Shipowners. After the disintegration of the Mataram Kingdom in the 18th century, it had an impact on the economic activities of the middle class of non-European traders on the North Coast of Java. The decline of the maritime trade situation in the 17th century in Southeast Asia in general and in Java in particular was caused by the VOC's military economic monopoly intervention pattern and agrarian kingdoms that did not pay attention to trade shipping. This writing uses a qualitative method with a socio-historical approach. This writing uses Mahan's theory that a strong maritime state must have a strong navy. This can be seen how the VOC maximized the military potential of its navy in dominating trade shipping on the North Coast of Java. Since then Java has been characterized by a rejection of the weak merchant class. The king of Java's choice to pull the economic center to the south also influenced the VOC's trade dominance on Java's North Coast. However, the economic pressure of the VOC slowly led to the emergence of a middle class that came from outside the rule of the royal class. This middle class was filled by Madurese captains alongside Javanese Nahkoda, as well as Chinese merchants, for the latter were considered tenacious despite often having strong trade relations with the Dutch or the VOC marking the discourse on the dynamics of trade and shipping in port cities on the North Coast of Java. Keywords: VOC, Chinese Klonthong and Java Skipper, Shipping and TradeReferences
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B.Schrike, Indonesian Sociological Studies, 1959. Quoted in Indonesian National History Book III,
Anthony Reid. Asia Tenggara Masa Kurun Niaga Tahun 1400-1680; Jilid II : Jaringan Perdagangan Global.(Jakarta:Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2011).p.84
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M.C. Ricklefs. Sejarah Indonesia Modern 1200-2004. (Jakarta; Serambi, 2006).p.44
G.J.Knapp. Shallow Waters, Rising Tide: Shipping and Trade in Java Around 1775.(KITLV,1996).p.26
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The Chetties a group who plays organized commercial Product at Port of Ceylon
Gerrit J. Knaap. Shallow Waters, Rising Tide: Shipping and Trade in Java Around 1775.(Leiden:KITLV Press, 1996). h. 3-9
Gerrit Knapp.Shipping and Trade in Java 1775 : A Quantitative Analysis (Journal Modern Asian Studies: Cambridge University Press,1999,Vol.33, No.2).h.414
Masyhuri. Iptek dan Dinamika Ekonomi Nelayan. In Kembara Bahari. Essays in Honor of 80 Years of Adrian B. Lapian. (Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu, 2009).p.60-61
Gerrit J. Knaap. Shallow Waters, Rising Tide: Shipping and Trade in Java Around 1775.(Leiden: KITLV Press, 1996). Pp. 1-3
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Gerrit J. Knaap. Shallow Waters, Rising Tide: Shipping and Trade …...(Leiden: KITLV , 1996). Pp. 4
Gerrit Knapp.Shipping and Trade in Java 1775 : A Quantitative Analysis (Journal Modern Asian Studies: Cambridge University Press, 1999,Vol.33, No.2).p.412-413
Pieter C. Emmer and Jos J.L. Gommans, The Dutch Overseas Empire, 1600-1800 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Gerrit Knapp.Shipping and Trade in Java 1775 : A Quantitative Analysis (Journal Modern Asian Studies: Cambridge University Press, 1999,Vol.33, No.2).p.415
Singgih Tri Sulistiyono. Pengantar Sejarah Maritim Indonesia. (2004 Proyek Direktorat Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan).p.74-75.
Larrie D.Ferreiro. Ships and Naval:The Birth Naval Architecture in The Scientific Revolution, 1600-1800.(London:MIT Press Cambridge,2007).h.28
Gerrit J. Knaap .Shallow Waters, Rising Tide: Shipping and Trade in Java Around 1775.(Leiden:KITLV Press, 1996).p.32-35
The Portuguese commander Alfonso de Alberqueque had also seen Javanese shipping technology complete with cargo weighing up to about 500 tons, the same weight ship used by Patih Unu s to attack the Portuguese in Malacca in 1513. See Anthony Reid. Southeast Asia in the Commercial Period 1450-1680
It can be seen that Batavia was opened to European ships. See Gerrit J.Knaap.Shallow Waters, Rising Tide: Shipping and Trade in Java Around 1775.(Leiden: KITLV Press, 1996).p.45-46
Edi Sedyawati, Sejarah Kota Jakarta 1950-1980. (Jakarta:Proyek Penelitian Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Sejarah Nasional Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata,1987).pp.20
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