Peran Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut Dalam Perwujudan Good Order At Sea: Studi Kasus Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia II
DOI: Kunci:
UNCLOS 1982, Good order at sea, TNI AL, ALKI, Keamanan MaritimAbstrak
The Archipelagic Status of Indonesia given under UNCLOS 1982 has both rights and responsibilities. one of those responsibilities is Indonesia has to provide sea lanes for freedom of navigation in the form of Indonesia Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ALKI). In recent developments, Indonesia as Coastal State also has a responsibility to maintain good order at sea, especially along Its ALKI. This paper examined how the Indonesian Navy, especially the Second Fleet Command, plays its role in maintaining maritime security di ALKI II. The result shows that the Indonesian Navy has sufficient legal basis to perform good order at sea. Besides that, the Second Fleet Command also has proved its commitment to pursue good order ats sea with comprehensive, systematic and routine actions along ALKI II.
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