Certificate of Accreditation
Journal Policy
Article Template
Supported By
Journal ISSN
2580-6947 (online)
2354-7278 (printed)
This journal uses Open Journal Systems, open-source journal management and publication software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the auspices of the GNU General Public License.
As part of the process before submitting articles to the Jurnal Kiprah OJS, the authors are expected to check the completeness of the sections below. If it does not meet the requirements, the submission will be returned to the author
Articles submitted to the Jurnal Kiprah must meet the following normative criteria:
Articles are in English and presented online using the journal's website. Articles do not exceed 15 pages, including the included images and tables. Article files must have Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx) extension. The article document is typed on A4 size paper (21cm x 29.7cm) using a 1.1" left margin, 1" top margin," 1" bottom margin, and 0.75 right margins.
The body of the article
Images can be presented in black and white or color. If in color, they must be visible. The position of the image must be proportional to the entire body of the text. If the image field does not exceed the column width, it can be presented in a column, but it is shown in the middle spanning two columns if it exceeds the column width. The caption for the picture is given a picture title with consecutive numbers, typed centered TNR 10 sp one below the image.
Tables can be presented in black and white or color. If in color, they must be legible. The position of the table must be proportional to the entire body of the text. If the table field does not exceed the column width, it can be presented in a column, but it is shown in the middle spanning two columns if it exceeds the column width. Table captions are given a table title with sequential numbers, typed left-aligned (left) TNR 10 sp one above the table.
Mathematical formulas or formulas must be presented using the equation menu in word processing applications, given exact serial numbers and accompanying descriptions.
APA 6th Style Rules for citation and reference
The editor has the right to reject articles based on the reviewer's assessment and make changes that are deemed necessary regarding the use of language without changing the content. Substance editing will be communicated directly with the first (first) author.
Download manuscript writing guidelines
Communication with Editors through Website
Authors will be informed via OJS messages about the progress of the article process to the publishing process
Download the Article Template of Jurnal Kiprah and use the layout and typing conditions directly by using "Paste Special" in the document.
Author's Statement Letter (Cover Letter) is the author's statement letter regarding the authenticity of the submitted manuscript and articles that have never been published or processed in other journals. The author must fill out, sign, and submit this statement (submission menu: add file) together with the submission of the article through Jurnal Kiprah website after registering. Download the statement letter via the following link Cover Letter
The Commitment Letter of Publication is one of the documents that must be uploaded by the author, along with the article file and the author's statement/cover letter. Click on Publishing Commitment Letter to download.
Articles submitted to the bushel journal will undergo Plagiarism Checking with applications such as Ithenticate, Plagiarism Checker X, and the like. For this reason, it is highly recommended that authors, before submitting their articles, can do Plagiarism Checking.
Because the application is word checking and detects sentence structures and performs scanning in online databases, and conducts matchmaking, it is highly recommended that the authors consider the following suggestions to avoid the presumption of Plagiarism by machines/applications
Before submitting your manuscript, it is highly recommended for you to pre-evaluate your articel by using the Article Eligibility Level (AEL), an instrument that we constructed to help you get an effective and efficient time of the peer-reviewing process.
Direction for the author:
Click Article Eligibility Level (AEL) to download the file of the instrument to pre-evaluate your article before the submission process.
2580-6947 (online)
2354-7278 (printed)
Kampus Universitas Maritim Raja Ali HajiÂÂ
Jl. Raya Dompak, Telp. (0771) 4500099 ; Fax (0771) 4500099
PO BOX 155, Tanjungpinang 29115
Website : ojs.umrah.ac.id/index.php/kiprah   e-mail : fkip@umrah.ac.id
e-mail Jurnal Kiprah : kiprah@umrah.ac.id
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Jurnal Kiprah by Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, UMRAH, Indonesia.