Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies Index

Focus and Scope

As a multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, the scope of this journal is in learning and instruction area which provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific researches in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigation. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concerns the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Review Process

All manuscripts submitted will be reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board and qualified peer reviewers. The review process is the double- blind review.

Article Processing Charge

Setiap penulis yang mengirimkan artikelnya ke Jurnal Kiprah

1. Tidak dikenakan biaya Penyerahan artikel/Free Submission Charge

2. Dibebaskan biaya pemrosesan artikel (editting, reviewing, publishing)/Free Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Namun, untuk artikel yang dinyatakan lolos publikasi, penulis akan mendapatkan 2 eksemplar cetakan Jurnal Kiprah yang akan dikirimkan kepada penulis. Untuk itu penulis dikenakan biaya kontribusi sebesar Rp. 250.000,-

Biaya kontribusi mencakup biaya pengeluaran cetak jurnal (printing) dan pengemasan (packaging).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.