Kinerja Implementasi Program Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera (Uppks) di Kecamatan Melati Kabupaten Sleman


  • Edison Edison


Performance, Implementation


The issue of population growth has always had a strong relevance to the issue of public welfare. In order
to respond to these twin issues, National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) consern to
take part as an actor to empower families with the public education movement synchronizes continuously
to conscious family planning and led to the stimulation of capital -prioritas on FP active, fertile couples,
Uncategorized Pre-prosperous and prosperous I- stage for productive economic activity in order to
achieve economic security of the family. The program known as Business Income Family Welfare
(UPPKS). Studies of this UPKS program mengususkan settings Jasmine observations in District district.
Sleman, Yogyakarta, the research question to be answered is in association with these objectives,
the issues that will be explored in the study of program implementation UPPKS is "How do the dynamics
of the factors that influence the performance UPPKS program implementation in the district of
Sleman Regency Cheap ?. The findings of this study show a weak side of UPPKS implementation performance.
Pemeberian capital loans to groups not comprehensively accompanied by development activities
in an integrated manner, so that the lack of skills and management and business development into
Fator that hinder the achievement of program objectives optimization. Finally, the conclusions that can
be drawn is the implementation of the program in the district UPPKS Jasmine still has many probelm
so that their achievements have not been optimal.



How to Cite

Edison, E. (2018). Kinerja Implementasi Program Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera (Uppks) di Kecamatan Melati Kabupaten Sleman. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara (JUAN), 2(1), 9–25. Retrieved from

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