Kontribusi Istri Nelayan dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Keluarga di Kelurahan Tembeling Tanjung Kecamatan Teluk Bintan


  • Yozi Rahmadeni Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Sultan Abdurrahman Kepulauan Riau




Economics, Wife, Fisherman Family


This study the authors used descriptive research type. Sampling  technique  is done by purposive sampling. Primary data obtained by observation (Observation) and using an interview guide. Techniques of data analysis using qualitative methods and frequency tables. Population and samples in this  study  were  the wives of fishermen who work in the Village Tanjung Tembeling. This study aims to determine the role of the fisherman's wife in improving the economy of the family. The usefulness of  this study is expected  to  be the results of this study in particular input Bintan regency governments  in  developing  existing potential for the region's development and  research are also  expected  to be a reference and comparison to other studies related to this research. The results generally show that the wives of fishermen who work to help her family make ends meet motivated by economic factors and to supplement her family's income. Most educational level fisherman's wife owned only a primary school, where the wives of fishermen working in the informal sector, which does not require high education and skills


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Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

Susan R, Tantoro S. Peran Istri Dalam Perekonomian Keluarga Didesa Parit Baru Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar

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How to Cite

Rahmadeni, Y. (2019). Kontribusi Istri Nelayan dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Keluarga di Kelurahan Tembeling Tanjung Kecamatan Teluk Bintan. Jurnal Masyarakat Maritim, 3(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31629/jmm.v3i1.1697