
Call For Paper !!!! Vol 2 No 1, May 2025


Greetings to all of us.

With gratitude, we from the Center for Maritime Policy Governance Studies at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji are pleased to invite academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of maritime studies to contribute to the upcoming issue of the Journal of Maritime Policy Science, Volume 2, Issue 1, scheduled for publication in May 2025. This journal serves as a platform for discussing and disseminating research findings and scholarly discussions on policy issues, management, and innovation in the maritime sector.

As the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia plays a vital role in the maritime sector, both nationally and globally. Therefore, we welcome submissions of research papers on the following themes:

  • Maritime Security
  • Maritime Governance
  • Maritime Environmental Management
  • Maritime Economy
  • Maritime Spatial Planning
  • Maritime Technology and Innovation
  • Maritime Policy
  • Maritime Logistics

This journal is committed to supporting and publishing high-quality research through a rigorous selection and review process. Moreover, this publication process is IDR 350.000,- for authors. The journal is indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, and Neliti, ensuring that published articles are accessible to a broad audience.

We hope that this publication will make a valuable contribution to the advancement of maritime knowledge and policy and provide real solutions to various challenges in the maritime sector. Let us work together to build knowledge for the development of our nation in the field of maritime studies.

In conclusion, we would like to extend our gratitude for your participation and contributions. We hope that this effort will benefit the progress of our shared maritime knowledge.

Best regards,
Editor in Chief JMPS
CMPGS Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Read more about Call For Paper !!!! Vol 2 No 1, May 2025

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): December, 2024
					View Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): December, 2024

The first article, Optimization of Human Resources (HR) to Support Blue Economy in Riau Island Province by Afrian Ginanjar and Ade Adriyadi, explores strategies to optimize human resources as a key driver in supporting the blue economy in Riau Islands Province. The paper highlights the importance of human capital development, focusing on the enhancement of skills, innovation, and productivity in sectors like fisheries, tourism, and maritime industries to achieve sustainable economic growth in the region. The second article, Implementation of the Measured Fishing Policy (Penangkapan Ikan Terukur - PIT) in the Riau Islands Province by Dicky Novalino and Niken Wulandari, examines the application of the Measured Fishing Policy in Riau Islands Province. The paper discusses how this policy promotes sustainable fishing practices by regulating fishing activities, ensuring resource preservation, and balancing economic and ecological interests within the maritime sector. The third article, Role of Maritime Public Policy on The Economic Development of Coastal Communities in The Tanjungpinang City Area by Tessa Citrani and Muhammad Tri Syaputra, investigates the impact of maritime public policies on the economic development of coastal communities in Tanjungpinang City. The study emphasizes the role of government initiatives, infrastructure development, and community engagement in fostering economic growth and improving the livelihoods of coastal populations. The fourth article, Pa'boya: The Adaptation Of Coastal Communities In South Sulawesi To Maritime Migration Policies In Southeast Asia by Tita Andraena and Imam Fadhil Nugrah, focuses on the cultural adaptation of coastal communities in South Sulawesi in response to maritime migration policies in Southeast Asia. The paper analyzes how these communities navigate policy changes while maintaining traditional practices and exploring opportunities for socio-economic resilience in a dynamic maritime region. The final article, Redefining Paradiplomacy Strategy to Strengthen Island Governance Autonomy: The Case of Riau Islands, Indonesia by Muhammad Raka Hadiyan and Aulia Salvy Putri Maharani, delves into the role of paradiplomacy in enhancing island governance autonomy in Riau Islands Province. The study highlights strategic approaches to engage in international collaborations, strengthen local governance, and assert the province's role in regional and global maritime diplomacy.

Published: 2024-12-31
View All Issues

Journal Title : Journal of Maritime Policy Science
Initial : JMPS
Frequency : 3 issues per year (May, August, November)
DOI prefix : 10.1629/jmps
Print ISSN : 3063-5705
Online ISSN 3063-4245
Head of Responsibility : Dr. Alfiandri, S.Sos., M.Si.
Editor in Chief : Dr. Yudithia, S.STP., SH., MP., M.Si., CEAS
Publisher : Center for Maritime Policy Governance Studies (CMPGS), Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar
Index : SINTA 4 on Progress 2026
Website :
Email :

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