
  • September, 2024 (in Press)
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)

  • May, 2024
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

    The first article Digital Transformation in the Maritime Industry; Opportunities and Challenges for Indonesia, The maritime industry is undergoing significant digital transformation, driven by technological advancements and changing global trends. This paper examines the opportunities and challenges faced by Indonesia in embracing digital transformation, highlighting the need for government support, human resource development, and infrastructure upgrades to stay competitive in the global market. The second article, The Role of Regional Government and Implementation of Environmental Management in Managing Tidal Floods in Bintan Regency, This study assesses the effectiveness of environmental management in mitigating floods in Bintan Regency, Indonesia. The research finds that regional government plays a crucial role in implementing effective flood management strategies, which includes early warning systems, infrastructure development, and community engagement. The study concludes that a multi-stakeholder approach is essential for robust flood management. The third article, Application of the Public Private Partnership Concept in Airport Development in Bintan Regency to Improve the Economy of Coastal Areas,This paper explores the potential of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in developing airports in Bintan Regency, Indonesia. The study argues that PPPs can bring about significant economic benefits by leveraging private sector expertise and resources, while also promoting sustainable development and job creation. The fourth article, Enhancing Maritime Security: Challenges and Strategies in Indonesia's Natuna Sea, The Natuna Sea is a critical maritime route with significant economic and strategic importance. This paper identifies the challenges facing maritime security in the region, including piracy, terrorism, and environmental threats. The authors propose strategies for enhancing maritime security, including strengthening cooperation among nations, improving intelligence gathering, and increasing naval presence. The final article, Unraveling the Maintenance of Southeast Asia Maritime Security; A Look into the ASEAN Maritime Outlook, This study provides an overview of maritime security issues in Southeast Asia, highlighting the complexities and challenges faced by regional countries. The authors examine the ASEAN Maritime Outlook, which emphasizes cooperation, capacity building, and information sharing among member states to ensure a secure and stable maritime environment.