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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines



The author should first register as author and/or offer to be a reviewer via the following address:  The author should complete those sections of the form marked with a star in as much detail as possible and when author register and then choose and tick on “Author: Able to submit items to the journal”. Following the completion of all the text boxes, the author clicks on the “Register” button to activate the registration process. The author is then brought to the online author submission interface where he/she should click on “New Submission”. In the “Start a New Submission” section, click on “Click Here: to go to Step One of the five-step submission process”. The following are the five steps of the online submission process:

  •  Step 1 - Starting the Submission: Select the appropriate section of the journal, i.e. Original Research Articles, Review Article, or Short Communication. The author must check-mark on the submission checklists.
  • Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: To upload a manuscript to this journal, click on “Browse” on the “Upload Submission” file item, select the manuscript document file to be submitted, then click on the “Upload” button.
  • Step 3 – Entering Submission Metadata: In this step, detailed author metadata should be entered, including the marked corresponding author. The manuscript title and abstract must then be uploaded by copying the text and pasting it into the textbox, including keywords.
  • Step 4 – Confirming the Submission:  Authors should conduct a final check of the uploaded manuscript documents at this stage. To submit the manuscript to JIPK (Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan), press the “Finish Submission” button after the document’s content has been verified. The corresponding author or principal contact will receive an acknowledgment by email and will be able to view the submission’s progress through the editorial process by logging onto the journal’s web address site.
Following submission, authors who submit a manuscript will receive an email confirming receipt enabling them to track their submission status at any time by logging onto the online submission interface. The submission tracking includes both the status of the manuscript review and editorial process.



  • Original Research Papers reporting original results of research within the field of industries, development, and postharvest technology for fisheries and maritime. This article should be typed within not excess than 15 pages or 3000-7500 words (including figures and tables), except References section. The structure of the article consists of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment (optional), and References.
  • Short Communications reporting on research which has progressed to the stage when it is considered necessary that the results be rapidly made known to other workers in the field. Priority for rapid publication will be given to this category of paper at all stages. The maximum length of short communication are 3000 words. The structure of the article consists of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment (optional), and References.
  • Review Articles should give a survey, evaluation and critical interpretation of recent research, data, and concepts in the fields of industries, development, and postharvest technology for fisheries and maritime.


  • Material to Submit

    Authors must use the Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscript. Using the template file will substantially shorten the time to complete copy-editing and publication of accepted manuscripts. The total amount of data for all files must not exceed 100 MB. If this is a problem, please contact the editorial office Accepted file formats are:

    • Microsoft Word: Manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word must be converted into a single file before submission. When preparing manuscripts in Microsoft Word, the Marinade Microsoft Word template file must be used.
    • Figures/images should be in JPEG formats, and tables should be in Excel or Word formats.
    • Word count is extremely important. (See limits for article types above.)


  • General Instructions
    • Manuscripts should be single-spaced, including tables, references, and figure captions.
    • Leave at least a 3 cm in margin on top and bottom, and 2.5 cm in margin on left and right. Indent all paragraphs
    • Use the name-and-year system for references in the text as follows:
      • One author : Ningsih (2020) or (Ningsih, 2020)
      • Two authors : Anggraini dan Amrizal (2019) or (Anggraini dan Amrizal, 2019)
      • Three or several authors : Putri et al. (2015) or (Putri et al., 2015). In the reference, the author’s names are included
      • Manuscripts accepted for publication but not yet published: Angraini dan Amrizal (in press) or (Anggraini dan Amrizal in press).
    • All measurements should be given in metric units. Single-digit numbers should be spelled out unless they are used with units of measure or in conjunction with larger values (e.g., 5 mg/L)


Title (in Arial, 12pt in bold, center, and capital letter) 

The title consists of version Indonesia language and English. The title of paper should be  concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.

Author names and affiliations

Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled. Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. The address at which the author actually did the work must be retained as the main, affiliation address. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for such footnotes.

Corresponding author

Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication. Provide the e-mail address of the author.


A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References should be avoided, but if essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. In general, they should include the following:

  • Introduction :One or two sentences of background and purpose of the study.
  • Method : Describe the research design, settings (please do not mention the actual location, but use geographic type or number if necessary); Participants (details of how selected, inclusion and exclusion criteria, numbers entering and leaving the study, relevant clinical and demographic characteristics).
  • Results :report main outcome(s) /findings including (where relevant) levels of statistical significance and confidence intervals.
  • Conclusions :should relate to study aims and hypotheses.

Keyword (in Arial, 10pt, align left)

After having selected a classification in the submission system, authors must in the same step select 3-5 keywords. These keywords will help the editors to categorize your article accurately and process it more quickly.


As a rule, papers should be divided into sections headed by a caption, e.g., Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References.

  • Introduction. State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
  • Material and methods. Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described.
  • Results. Results should be clear and concise.
  • Discussion. This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
  • Conclusions. The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.
  • References (book and journal only). References must be complete, including initial(s) of author(s) cited, year of publication, the title of paper referred to, journal, volume, and page numbers. For citations of books, the following uniform sequence should be maintained: author(s), year of publication, editor(s), complete title of the book, publisher, place of publication (Harvard system). Please include 80% journal.
  • Acknowledgments (if necessary). Collate acknowledgments in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance or proofreading the article, etc.).


Equation. Please submit math equations as editable text and not as images. All equations should be centered and numbered consecutively.

Figures. Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions separately, not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration.Please make sure that artwork files are in an acceptable format (JPEG), and with the correct resolution. All figures should be centered and numbered consecutively.

Table. Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Tables can be placed either next to the relevant text in the article, or on a separate page(s) at the end. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and place any table notes below the table body. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. Please avoid using vertical rules and shading in table cells. All tables should be centered and numbered consecutively.

Length. Maximum length of the article is 15 pages including all pictures, tables, references, etc.

References. Within the text, references should be cited by giving the last name of the author(s) and the order number in the reference as:

Pratama (2014) has studied ….

...... marinade is a journal…  (Pratama, 2014).

Note that in the case of three or more authors, only the last name of the first author is cited and the others are denoted by et al. The same rule also holds for header title in even page. Use the same typeface as the body of the text for the references. Examples are:

AOAC, 2007. The Title of The Book. Publisher, Place of Publication.

Pratama, G. 2014. The title of paper. Name of Journal. 5(2):1-5.

Anggraini, R., Amrizal, S. N. 2015. The Title of The Book. ed. 2. Publisher, Place of Publication.

Pratama, G., Suhandana, M., Ilhamdy, A. F., Apriandi, A., Putri, R. M. S. 2017. The title of paper. Name of Journal. 8(2):20-25.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.