Partisipasi Nelayan Terhadap Pembangunan Desa Malang Rapat Kabupaten Bintan Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
Partisipasi Nelayan, Tingkat Partisipasi, Pembangunan DesaAbstract
This study aimed to determine the level of fisherman's participation in village development and the inhibiting factors of fisherman in participating in Malang Rapat Village, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province. This research was conducted in May-June using mixed research methods combining qualitative and quantitative research with a sequential exploratory research design, namely conducting qualitative research using a Likert scale first. By determining the sample that is 15% of the total population of 227 people. So the respondence is 34 people and the key informants are two people, namely the village head and head of BPD. Analysis of the data used is a qualitative descriptive analysis Likert scale with a gradation indicator of participation rate very high (4) high (3) moderate (2) and low (1). Then the sum of the scores for each answer will be divided by the number of respondents so that the average score for each question is obtained. The percentage of fisherman's participation in the development of Malang Rapat Village is by evaluating the three stages of participation, namely the planning stage by achieving an average score of 2.21 or with a percentage of 55.25% being in the high category, while at the implementation stage it reaches an average score of 2, 27 or with a percentage of 56.7% are in the high category, and at the supervision stage, an average score of 1.94 or a percentage of 48.5% is in the medium category. This is because the village of Malang Rapat has an effort to participate in every village activity by carrying out activities during the day when fishermen are not doing activities and establishing good communication with the community, especially fishermen. The inhibiting factor for fishermen in participating in every activity in village development is the awareness of the fishermen themselves in participating in activities.
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