Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): November, 2024

The first article, Tourism Problems Policy in Labuan Bajo Using a Democratic Approach by Johanis Kuahaty, Yefri C Adoe, and Mitha K Steven, examines the tourism policy challenges in Labuan Bajo and suggests the application of a democratic approach to address these issues. The study highlights the role of public participation in policy formulation and the importance of inclusive decision-making processes to enhance sustainable tourism development in the region. The second article, Evaluation of the Suitability of ASN Functional Positions Towards Law No. 5 of 2014 Concerning State Civil Apparatus: Case Study at the Marine and Fisheries Service of the Kepulauan Riau Province by Kurmaniah Kurmaniah and Hendra Candra, evaluates the alignment of functional positions in the civil service with Indonesia's State Civil Apparatus Law. The study focuses on the Marine and Fisheries Service in Kepulauan Riau, assessing the effectiveness of legal frameworks in ensuring proper role allocation within public institutions. The third article, Behavioral Intention of the Use of COVID-19 Governance Application: A Literature Review by Yoserizal Yoserizal, Krismena Tovalini, and Yulia Hanoselina, presents a literature review on the behavioral intentions behind the use of COVID-19 governance applications. It explores factors influencing public adoption of these applications, aiming to provide insights into their effectiveness in managing pandemic-related governance. The fourth article, Howlet’s Multiple Streams Theory and Policy Innovation: A Case Study of Digital Transformation in Indonesian Governance Post-Presidential Transition by Khanan Yusuf, applies Howlet’s Multiple Streams Theory to analyze policy innovation in Indonesia's digital transformation efforts after a presidential transition. The study evaluates how political, problem, and policy streams converged to facilitate digital governance reforms. The fifth article, Georgia's Tbilisi Municipal Open Government Issues by Syed Agung Afandi, Muslim Afandi, and Rizki Erdayani, explores the open government initiatives in Tbilisi, Georgia, focusing on the transparency and accountability measures taken at the municipal level. It examines the challenges and successes in implementing open government policies that promote citizen engagement and strengthen governance. The final article, The Role of Public Administration Ethics in Realizing Clean and Transparent Governance delves into the importance of ethics in public administration, emphasizing how ethical principles are crucial in fostering clean, transparent, and accountable governance. It discusses how ethical leadership and institutional integrity contribute to building public trust and improving governance outcomes.