Redefining Paradiplomacy Strategy to Strengthen Island Governance Autonomy: The Case of Riau Islands, Indonesia


  • Muhammad Raka Hadiyan Universitas Airlangga
  • Aulia Salvy Putri Maharani Universitas Airlangga



Island Governance, Paradiplomacy, Subnational Autonomy


The study explores potential improvements in paradiplomacy practices by the local government of the Riau Islands, Indonesia, aimed at enhancing island governance autonomy. Paradiplomacy, defined as diplomatic activities conducted by subnational governments, holds strategic significance for the Riau Islands due to its geographic location, supportive decentralization policies, and marine wealth. Despite these advantages, challenges persist, including poverty, limited local governance capacity, and constrained paradiplomatic efforts. Employing desk research methodology, the study incorporates theoretical frameworks of multi-track diplomacy and Indonesia’s blue economy policies to evaluate four critical aspects: government initiatives, local community empowerment, external funding, and public opinion. Results indicate substantial but insufficient progress in these areas. Government initiatives, such as collaborations with international non-governmental organizations and foreign subnational entities, focus on marine conservation, sustainable fisheries, and tourism development but face geopolitical tensions and jurisdictional misalignments. Local community empowerment in fisheries and tourism showcases success yet remains limited and susceptible to exploitation and displacement. External funding, mainly from international aid and investments, supports development but suffers from corruption and poor allocation. Public opinion reflects a duality, appreciating government efforts while criticizing inefficiencies and socio-economic inequalities. Conclusively, the research identifies gaps in policy alignment, empowerment scope, and funding sustainability, proposing recommendations for enhanced central-local cooperation, strengthened community involvement, and long-term investment strategies. The study highlights the importance of adapting successful global paradigmatic practices to local contexts, ensuring sustainable development and equitable resource distribution in the Riau Islands.


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How to Cite

Hadiyan, M. R., & Maharani, A. S. P. (2025). Redefining Paradiplomacy Strategy to Strengthen Island Governance Autonomy: The Case of Riau Islands, Indonesia. Journal of Maritime Policy Science, 1(3).