Influence Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy Work Stress On Employees Of Malabar Tea Plantation PTPN VIII Nusantara




Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, Work Stress, Employees


The high demands of work, the complexity of the workflow, and the higher goals of the organization require every employee to work quickly, focus, and maximally. The pressure of work here is a side that continues to be faced by employees, where high work pressure will be able to cause them to experience stress in addition to causing conflict between them. This is a serious problem currently faced by organizations in the face of global competition. This study aims to determine the impact of the ability to understand individuals at their core and their survival on work pressure. This inspection was led by PTPN VIII Nusantara Malabar tea plantation workers (Design Division). This study uses an explanation and derivation strategy with a solid methodology containing a population of 76 and using an embedded examination procedure. This technique is used to determine the relationship between factors and produce the end of the product under study. The results showed that the pessimistic and large impact between the ability to assess people in-depth on work pressure and self-sufficiency on work pressure had a pessimistic and critical impact. Because the ability to appreciate anyone on a deeper level and self-sufficiency both influence work pressure.


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Author Biographies

Dikky Farhan Maulana, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, West Java. Indonesia

Department Accounting

Arjuna Rizaldi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, West Java. Indonesia

Department Accounting


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How to Cite

Maulana, D. F., & Rizaldi, A. (2022). Influence Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy Work Stress On Employees Of Malabar Tea Plantation PTPN VIII Nusantara. Jurnal Magister Administrasi Publik (JMAP), 2(1).


