Reshaping The State: Bureaucracy, Modernity And Postmodernity Perspective In The Progressive Era
Bureaucracy, Modern, Postmodern, Progressive EraAbstract
This article aimed to describe how reshaping the state on the border of bureaucratic modern, and postmodern perspective the progressive era that has been done, both in Indonesia, and other countries in the world. This is important to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concern of reshaping the state from the bureaucratic modern, and postmodern perspectives. The research method used in this paper was a literature review obtained from various resources related to bureaucracy, modernity, and postmodernity in order to reshaping the state in a better form. The result of this research according to bureaucratic theory, the main strength of bureaucracy is its expertise in a particular field which is also a key tool for public policy decisions. Meanwhile, according to the theory of a modern perspective, public services that prioritize the use of technology and uphold the value of individuality will cause one's worry and anxiety. It is different from the postmodern perspective theory, this theory has given fresh air to a country to build its nation according to its local potential, because postmodern appreciates it.
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