Mengukur Akseptasi Pegawai pada Penggunaan Aplikasi HRIS
HRIS, Acceptance, Feature, FishboneAbstract
This research is to find out how big the acceptance level of KPPN Pangkalpinang employees to HR management application through HRIS which applies in all units of the Ministry of Finance. The use of this application has been in effect since 2015 and has become mandatory starting in 2018. The change from the old system to the new / conventional to the digital era certainly has an impact on its users. This application system certainly has a significant effect. The qualitative method was chosen by the authors plus phenomology which was carried out directly on the Pangkalpinang KPPN employees. The results showed that out of 10 respondents only 1 person felt familiar/could operate and knew all the features available and 9 other people could operate the application but did not know all the available features.
The analysis used using fishbone analysis shows that the level of acceptance of employees is good enough so that it is only necessary to increase awareness of employees.
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