Author Guideline

A. Guidelines for Article Management through OJS

1. Open the Zarah Journal website. If you don't have an account with the Zarah journal, authors can register on the Register menu. If you have successfully registered or already have an account, the author can enter the Login menu.
2. Next, the author can submit to the New Submission menu by completing all existing forms and uploading the manuscript/article that has been written and the author's statement (Cover Letter & Commitment Letter).
3. The author will receive notification of the progress of article processing automatically via e-mail.
4. Authors must monitor the progress of article processing, as well as make improvements to articles according to input from Reviewers and Editors by entering the website on the Login menu.



B. Writing Guidelines
1. The article writing area is A4 size (210 x 297 mm) with a top margin of 25 mm, left 25 mm, bottom 20 mm, and right 20 mm. Article files must have the Microsoft Office extension (.doc/.docx). All writing in the article is typed using Times New letters Romance
2. The title of the article is written in Indonesian and English respectively, with 12pt, Bold, Center, single space format.
3. The full names of all article authors are written in 11pt format, center, 1 space. If There are two or more affiliated institutions, so the name of each author is followed by a number superscript as an indication of the affiliated institution of each author. The star superscript (*) is written after superscript numbers of the corresponding author and separated by commas. Address Email for each author must be included.
4. The name of the author's affiliated institution must be written accompanied by the complete address of the institution, city, and postal code.
5. The abstract is written in one paragraph which is arranged concisely, clearly, completely, independently and
completely describes the essence of the contents of the entire article. The abstract contains at least three things
main points, namely: objectives, methods, and conclusions. If the article is in Indonesian, abstract written in English and Indonesian. If the article is in English, then Abstracts only need to be written in English. Abstracts must be written no more than 200 words. Abstract text is written with single spacing and justify format (aligned right-left) with indent left 10 mm and indent right 10 mm. Abstracts are written in one column format. The key is written below the abstract text, 3-5 words or groups of words, and separated by commas. Keywords are chosen carefully so they can reflect the concept contained in the article and makes it easier to find articles through search engines.
6. The body of the text is written in 11 pt format, single spaced, justify two columns (column spacing 12.7 mm). For research articles, the body of the text consists of Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and Reference List. Articles resulting from literature studies (non research) consists of Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, and Reference List. Saying Thanks to funders, facility providers or related parties can be added after Conclusion. Section titles are written in full bold capital letters, while sub-section titles are written in bold with capital letters only at the beginning of each word.
7. Tables and figures are placed in text groups. Table and figure titles, as well as text in It is written in 10pt font. Tables and table titles are written left aligned and placed in on the table in question. The image and image title are written centered and placed at the bottom below the image in question. Images and tables must have good resolution so that it can be printed clearly and references and information can be provided on it below if necessary. The table is created without vertical lines, while horizontal lines displayed for column heading and closing items in the bottom row.
8. The library reference system uses the American Psychological Association (APA) system Style 6th Edition, namely format (last name, year). Reference example: to one author (Creswell, 2012), for two authors (Sampson & Grooms, 2007), as well as for authors more of two (Grooms et al., 2015). References must use standard citation applications like Mendeley. Reference styles such as “…Badu in Dadap (2002)…” are not
permitted to be used because it uses other people's eyes in reading the reference. The referenced library sources are primary, up-to-date and relevant sources.
9. The introduction contains three main things, namely: background, previous literature review, and research objectives. The adequacy of previous literature studies must be able to justify the novelty/originality of the research/study carried out. In the introduction, the Gap Analysis must be clear, showing the urgency and uniqueness of the research/study. The research objectives must be written clearly.
10. Research methods are explained according to the type of research and must clearly explain: research design, research subjects, data collection techniques, research instruments, and data analysis techniques. Formulas or equations are written using the Equation menu in Microsoft Word.
11. Research results present data that has been processed, not raw data. Results can be presented in the form of tables or figures accompanied by explanations. The explanation does not repeat the contents of the illustration but rather describes its meaning. The discussion is presented by containing several main points, namely: (a) answers to research questions, (b) logic of obtaining findings, (c) description and interpretation of findings, and (d) critical comparison with the work of other relevant people.

12. Conclusions describe the answer to the hypothesis and/or research objectives or new scientific findings obtained. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion, policy suggestions and further ideas from the research results can also be written
13. Reference List is arranged alphabetically without numbering. All references referred to in the text of the article must be listed in the Reference List section. The referenced library sources are primary sources (journal articles, proceedings, etc.) published in the last 10 years. Writing a reference list must use a reference management application program such as Mendeley by selecting the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition style. An example of writing a list of references from journal articles and proceedings is as follows:
Sampson, V., & Grooms, J. (2007). Promoting and supporting scientific argumentation in the classroom: The evaluation-alternatives instructional model. Science Scope, 33(1), 66–74.
YuekMing, H., & Manaf, L. A. (2014). Assessing Learning Outcomes through Students' Reflective Thinking. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152, 973–977.

The template can be downloaded below