Analisi Hubungan Antara Peradilan Etik Dan Peradilan Pidana Terhadap Anggota Kepolisian RI Yang Diduga Melakukan Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Berencana
DOI: Kunci:
Peradilan, Etika, PidanaAbstrak
Members of the Indonesian National Police in carrying out their duties and functions as law enforcement officers. Obligation to obey and comply with regulations, one of which is the Police Professional Code of Ethics, namely the Chief of Police Regulation Nomor. 7 of 2022 concerning the Code of Ethics for the Police of the Republic of Indonesia and subject to the powers of the Ethical Court and General Court, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Nomor. 2 of 2002 concerning the Police of the Republic of Indonesia that members of the Indonesian National Police are subject to the General Court. So that it can be said in law that the Police are Nomor longer part of the subject of military law but a civil society. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between the Ethical Court and the General Court for members of the police who commit crimes. As well as the implications for members of the police who are Nomort proven guilty by the general court. To be able to examine the problems and objectives in this article thoroughly, a Nomorrmative juridical method is applied by analyzing pheNomormena with laws and regulations and some other literature. However, there are Nomor special arrangements regarding the relationship and authority of the parties who were earlier involved in the trial process. However, in essence, it will be a loss for the accused member of the police force if the ethical court decides to dishoNomorrably discharge, them but is found Nomort guilty by the general court.