Partisipasi Masyarakat, Desa Wisata Alam, Ekowisata, MangroveAbstract
Independent Nature Tourism Villages in coastal areas are one of the targets of the government's tourism village empowerment program. Community participation is very important in developing tourist villages, so technical guidance on community participation is carried out to increase community involvement in managing independent natural tourism villages in coastal areas. Bintan Regency, as a coastal area with large tourism potential, requires a management strategy that focuses on environmental, social and economic sustainability. Technical guidance for community participation is carried out using meeting facilitation methods, focus group discussions, technical training and guidance, online media and printed brochures, outreach and promotion. The results found from community empowerment in mangrove management are the formation of Tourism Awareness Groups (POKDARWIS), improvement and management of mangrove tourism assets, equal distribution of the benefits of mangrove ecotourism, improvement of the local community's economy, and implementation of Community Participation as a rule in environmental management that is coordinated and based on participation. active community. Recommendations resulting from discussions between technical guidance participants are the need for training and education programs regarding the economic and ecological value of mangroves as well as correct management techniques, integration between ecotourism and community empowerment, and the implementation of community participation in sustainable mangrove management and upholding conservation and ecological values. Support and cooperation between the government, private sector and the community is needed in sustainable mangrove management and paying attention to social, economic and environmental aspects to increase economic and environmental sustainability in mangrove tourist destinations.References
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