Current Issue
  Journal Title | : KEMUDI: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan |
  Initials | : Journal KEMUDI | |
  Frequency | : 2 Issues every year | |
  DOI | : | |
  Print ISSN | : 2528 5580 | |
  Online ISSN | : 2622 9633 | |
  Editor-in-Chief | : Eki Darmawan | |
  Managing Editor | : Ardi Putra | |
  Citation Analysis | : Dimensions |
KEMUDI: Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan is a journal managed by the Department of Governmental Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, which is published twice a year in August and February and contains 8 (eight) articles in each issue. This journal provides a space for academics, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in developing the fields of Politics and Government both nationally and internationally, as well as the results of research and studies on the scope; Politics, Governance, Maritime Governance, Public Policy, Public Services, Leadership, Government Information Technology, Management of Border Areas, Coastal Management, Ecology of Governance, Regional Autonomy, Cities and Villages. KEMUDI: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan been accredited by The Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology SINTA 4
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