Peningkatan Kemampuan Aparat Dusun Dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas Administrasi Pemerintahan


  • Hamirul Hamirul STIA SETIH SETIO



Keywords: Improvement, Capability, ASN, Task Implementation, Government Administration


The best service that should be provided by the government through its apparatus or in this case bureaucracy, but in each service should be supported by the ability of qualified personnel in administrative matters, using descriptive methods and qualitative approaches with interview data collection techniques and informants used by 11 people . The results of the research on the Implementation of Village Government Administration Tasks in Teluk Panjang Hamlet have not been maximally implemented, yet the maximum implementation has had an impact on the low recommendations / perceived work results. Efforts to increase the capacity of Village Officials in Teluk Panjang Hamlet were hampered because the conditions for implementing village government duties were caused by several factors surrounding the village officials. The factors in question are the lack of skills / abilities of each hamlet apparatus in connection with these tasks, the low level of work discipline in terms of work results, the lack of guidance to the apparatus, supervision and ineffective control, and unfavorable working conditions. Efforts to improve the capacity of village officials in Teluk Panjang Hamlet in carrying out government administrative duties, especially village government administration which includes, apparatus discipline development, education and training, work motivation and career development.


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How to Cite

Hamirul, H. (2019). Peningkatan Kemampuan Aparat Dusun Dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas Administrasi Pemerintahan. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara (JUAN), 7(1).