Studi Kontaminasi Logam Berat (Pb dan Cr) Pasca Pertambangan Bauksit Sebagai Potensi Lokasi Kegiatan Budidaya Perikanan


  • Risandi Dwirama Putra Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
  • Tri Apriadi



Bauxite is one of the mining activities, which can lead to the phenomenon of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). Activities developed by bauxite mining, since the beginning of operations are able to degrade environmental conditions and cause modifications to the main structure of the environment. Alternative to reducing the negative impact of bauxite mining production with re-utilize abandoned bauxite which forms puddles. The puddle of water on bauxite post-mining have potential for Aquaculture. Each sampling site is located in 5 (five) site based on post bauxite mining activities and determine the heavy metal concentraion of Pb and Cr. Soil and sediment samples were collected to analyze the grain size.  Total heavy metal concentrations using Atom Flame Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Analysis of heavy metal concentration (Pb dan Cr) with enrichment factor (EF) value of heavy metals Pb indicates extremely high enrichment for post-mining bauxite site at Simpang Dompak, Dompak and Wacopek (EF> 40). Enrichment Factor (EF) Cr on post-mining bauxite post in Simpang Dompak and Sei.Carang site have EF value > 5 indicating this site contamination with Cr. Index Value, Igeo > 5 indicating very strongly contaminated Pb and Cr with Igeo <5 is contaminated moderately. Water quality in Post-mining bauxite shows good condition of water. In general, the post-mining area of ​​bauskit have potential for aquaculture activities although there is high Pb contamination on the substrate but the water quality parameter can utilized for dynamic organisms such as fish. Proper aquaculture techniques to manage the post-mining bauxite in order to be optimally utilized for cultivation activities.


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Cara Mengutip

Putra, R. D., & Apriadi, T. (2018). Studi Kontaminasi Logam Berat (Pb dan Cr) Pasca Pertambangan Bauksit Sebagai Potensi Lokasi Kegiatan Budidaya Perikanan. Jurnal Intek Akuakultur, 2(1), 1–15.


