Village Government, Village Regulation, TrainingAbstract
Community service activities were held in Duara Village, North Lingga District, Lingga Regency. This activity aim to increasing the knowledge and understanding of village officials, BPD and community components in formulating village regulations. The method in this community service activity is by conducting training for village officials through socialization and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The implementation period starts from October to November 2022. This community service is an effort to increase the understanding of the village government and village communities in the formulation of village regulations that are in line with optimizing governance, development, community empowerment and the use of village funds. The results of this activity are; impact on increasing the knowledge and competence of participants in drafting village regulations and awareness of the importance of forming a village regulation. Participants participated in the training activities enthusiastically by paying attention to two things, there are: the formulation of village regulations on Domestic Violence and village regulations on village tourism management.
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