Empowerment, Digital, Welfare, EconomyAbstract
Empowerment of Local Youth Organizations through Digital Villages in an effort to Improve Community Economic Welfare in Tanjung Kapur Village, Gunung Kijang District, Bintan Regency. This PKM activity brings the idea of ??a digital village into community empowerment, with the aim of revitalizing the existence of the Tanjung Kapur Youth Bintan Youth organization community to become the basis for the movement to promote village potential and improve the economic welfare of the community. The implementation method in implementing this Community Service is by carrying out capacity building activities through Activities carried out in the form of scientific education and assistance to the Digital Village Program for Village Development and Marketing. in the context of Digital Marketing. The methods used in the service are preparation, training, discussion, and simulation. Community Service Activities (PKM) by the PKM team in the Empowerment of Local Youth Organizations Through Digital Villages in an Effort to Improve Community Economic Welfare in Tanjung Kapur Village, Gunung Kijang Village, Bintan Regency, are carried out in the period from April to November 2022. Currently the new team carry out at the stage of preparing the training draft, collecting data on participants and obtaining permits for the implementation of activities to the local government in this case the village head. Village community development cannot be separated from the role of village youth organizations as drivers and carriers of innovation for the welfare of rural communities. In this PKM activity, the main target is the Tanjung Kapur Youth Bintan Youth organization as a driver in village digitization.
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