Mark Registered, UMKMAbstract
The rise of marriages carried out under age regulated in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage as amended by Law Number 16 of 2019. This Law, namely, men and women are allowed to get married if both men and women have reached the age of 19 years. This reason became the background of community service activity was implemented. More specifically, this community service activity is carried out with the aim that the community knows and understands the basic arrangements regarding the age limit for Marriage as regulated in the legislation. The method used is a library approach and legislation/statute approach. The results of this community service activity, the community in general and young people, in particular, understand that their readiness to carry out a marriage regarding the age limit if they want to get married. The recommendation for implementing this community service activity is that socialization activities regarding the laws and regulations regarding the age limit for Marriage can be carried out on an ongoing basis so that people understand the importance of the age of maturity or maturity in deciding to marry at an early age.
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