Perumusan Peraturan Desa Tentang Pengelolaan Desa Wisata di Desa Busung Kecamatan Seri Kuala Lobam Kabupaten Bintan
Formulation, Village Regulations, Tourism Village ManagementAbstract
This Community Service (PKM) activity was held in Busung Village, Sri Kuaola Lobam District, Bintan Regency. PKM is carried out with the aim that the village is trained and skilled in making Village Regulations and has a Village Regulation product on Tourism Village Management. The method used in community service activities in Busung Village in formulating Village regulations on Tourism Village Management is a participatory way in formulating the basic text of village regulations. Implementation time starts from April to November 2021. This PKM activity is divided into 2 stages, namely (1) survey and problem identification, (2) Formulation of Draft Village Regulations. During the PKM, there was an increase in the presence of village officials and the community consisting of the Village Head, BPD, RT Chair, RW Chair, community leaders, and business operators who were enthusiastically actively involved in providing advice on tourist villages in Busung Village and adding areas and tours. What is interesting is in the Busung village that needs to be included in the draft Ranperdes for Tourism Villages. It can be said that the Perdes Desa tourism is made by involving the aspirations of the community in partner villages.
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