Advokasi Bagi Guru dalam Menjalankan Profesi
Advocacy, Legal Protection, TeacherAbstract
Teachers are heroes whose services are matchless because the role they play is very important in advancing the world of education. However, in carrying out this task, he is often faced with various problems, including being criminalized for disciplining. Not a few of the teachers' works are also plagiarized by others. For this reason, it is important to carry out advocacy efforts to increase teachers' understanding of legal protection in carrying out the profession. Includes various regulations governing legal protection for teachers and their forms and the means available for legal protection. This service was carried out by using the methods of lecturing, discussion, and brainstorming. The service results show that: First, this activity has an impact on increasing participants' understanding of forms of legal protection and the role of advocacy for teachers; second, the participants were very enthusiastic, especially from the elements of teachers and lecturers; and third, the activity was highly appreciated, both from the presenters and the participants themselves. In fact, the participants tend to really need it.
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