Perancangan Perangkat Penghitung Jumlah Penumpang Pada Kapal Komersial Menggunakan Mikrokontroller
Perancangan Perangkat Penghitung Jumlah Penumpang Pada Kapal Komersial Menggunakan Mikrokontroller
IR Obstacle Sensor, Arduino Uno, Indicator Alarm, Amount of PassengerAbstract
One of the factors that caused the ship accident because the amount of passengers on the ship exceeded capacity. The absence of a device directly used on the ship's door to counter the amount of passengers is the cause of the excess capacity of passengers on the ship. The purpose of this study is to counter the amount of passengers on commercial vessels either entering or exiting the same door and controlling the excess amount of passengers. This passenger counter device uses two IR Obstacle sensors which function to detect and count the amount of passengers entering and exiting on the ship. The sensor reading distance is 0.1 cm to 56 cm. The result of IR Obstacle sensor reading as a passenger detector will be processed using a mini computer Arduino uno displayed on the LCD as the amount of passengers. This device is equipped with LED indicators to indicate the amount of passengers on the ship. For the condition the amount of passengers exceeds the capacity then the alarm will be active and the ship starter can not be activated and for normal amount of passengers the alarm is off and the ship engine stater can be activated.