Rancang Bangun Toko Tambak Ikan (TOTAKAN)
The sale of fish is one of the main roles that is very important, in addition to getting the optimal price, the sale of fish is also very supportive of the economy of the region, especially the coast. In the sale of fish today still need a technological development in the field of calculation. The amount of fish and consumer demand makes fish sellers or fishermen unable to properly control the results of their sales, starting from service and pricing, calculation errors that cause prices to be not optimal, causing losses. Therefore, a solution is needed that can overcome these problems. TOTOKAN (Fish Pond Shop) is an innovation to prevent errors in the calculation of the selling price of fish using Arduino Uno-based RFID and LCD as its monitor. TOTAKAN is designed with an RFID system that has been programmed by ARDUINO UNO R3 which is a source of microproseor from all systems, while the 4x4 keypad serves as a calculation of the number of fish purchases as well as the overall price, and a 16x2 LCD serves to display the price and the number of copies. TOTAKAN is able to be the main solution for the regional economy, especially coastal areas. In addition to simple, this innovation can also create efficiency over time, so that the seller does not need to control the maximum sales results.