Peningkatan Pendapatan melalui Diversifikasi Usaha Pengolahan Perikanan pada Desa Mitra Kampung Vanamei Desa Pengambengan Kabupaten Jembrana Bali
Olahan Ikan, Pascapanen, PengemasanAbstract
One of problems occurred in Kombading, Pengambengan Village, Jembrana District is earnings of village community leaned only on vannamei shrimp farming with traditional ponds. Moreover, Women, member of Family Welfare Empowerment (wives of shrimp farmers) do not mainly conduct activities with economic value. Introduction of the diversification of fisheries activities, for example seafood product processing, is expected to give valuable knowledge related to other fisheries activities other than shrimp farming that is able to increase family income. The aim of this community service is to enhance knowledge and skills in diversification of fisheries activities with seafood product processing. The service was conducted with five methods, such as survey and problem identification, training, practices, mentoring, as well as monitoring and evaluation. This activity was attended by ten women, members of Family Welfare Empowerment Kombading Village gathered in Mina Jaya group. Mentoring courses were introduction of fisheries diversification, fish processing coaching and practices with raw materials such as lemuru, surimi and seaweed, as well as packaging and distribution lessons. This community service was held from June to August 2022 and followed well by all participants.
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