Pengenalan Biota Laut Dilindungi melalui e-Book “Dugong & Friends†dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat terhadap Kelestarian Sumber Daya Perikanan
E-book, Sustainable, Introduction to protected marine life, Fisheries resources.Abstract
Riau Islands Province has high natural resource potential, especially aquatic resources. Aquatic resources in the Riau Islands are one of the habitats for many protected marine life. However, with increasing human activities and needs, it causes pressure on aquatic resources which will have an impact on marine life, especially those protected by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Conservation efforts need to be carried out which include aspects of preservation, protection, and utilization. Another preventive way that can be done is providing education to the community, especially in a high school student. Considering that education related to the preservation of marine biodiversity, especially protected marine life, is important to be studied as early as possible, high school students are the proper targets for socialization regarding protected marine biota so that a sense of care, willingness, and additional knowledge can be realized to keep protect marine biodiversity. The activity of introducing protected marine biota is expected to increase the sense of care, willingness, and insight in maintaining the protected marine life resources in the Riau Islands. Introduction of protected marine life in the Riau Islands with class XI students of State Senior High School 6 Tanjungpinang. The activity was carried out in three stages, namely a pre-test of knowledge about protected marine life in the Riau Islands through quizzzz platform, education on what protected marine life exist in the Riau Islands through an e-book that containing pictures, descriptions, and statuses. The last is ended with post-test through the same questions as the pre-test using the quizizz platform to measure the extent to which students introduction, knowledge, and understanding of marine life that protected in the Riau Islands. The level of recognition, knowledge, and understanding of students increased from a very poor to moderate range to a moderate to excellent range. Teaching media in the form of e-books is very effective in introducing protected marine life in the Riau Islands, in accordance with the target stakeholders who are still in high school education.
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