Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat terhadap Dugong (Dugong dugon) sebagai Hewan Dilindungi melalui Pemantauan Dugong dan Habitatnya
Dugong, Habitat, Pengudang.Abstract
Seagrass is the only one flower-plant that can live under seawater, and most of its habitat is in shallow waters. One of the roles of seagrass is as a habitat for dugong marine mammals (Dugong dugon). Pengudang Village is one of the Bintan Island areas and suspected of being the dugong habitat. This is known from the widespread phenomenon of dugong stranding. There are still dugong fighting activities carried out by several Bintan people and marine tribal communities that indicate these animals’ existence. Community service activities were carried out to avoid dugong hunting. These activities were conducted in four stages. These services were expected to increase community awareness and habituation that shape coastal communities' character in protecting the seagrass ecosystem as the habitat for dugongs. Based on the results of community service, it shows that the community has recognized dugong as an animal protected, and the increasing of the knowledge level and awareness of children about dugong.
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