Improving The Quality of Low Protein Nutrient on Feeds with The Addition of Local Fish Flours on Growth of Groupers (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus >< Epinephelus lanceolatus)
This study aims to improve the quality of low-protein feed that is commercially and inexpensive for repelleting by the addition of tamban / lemuru fish meal so that its nutrients become better and in accordance with the nutritional needs of the grouper. In this research, substitution was added by adding 10%, 20%, and 30% of tamban/lemuru fish meal per kg of low protein feed for repelleting. The repelleting feeds were tested on 8 ± 0.5 cm groupers which were maintained on 60 cm diameter modified plastic trays. The effect of feed on fish growth is measured through parameters of daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio and survival rate. Repelleting feed which gives the best growth will be tested proximate and the results can be used on the packaging of feed repelling products. The results showed that feed with a substitution of fish bone meal as much as 30% gave the best growth in abstin groupers.