Maritim2020-10-10T03:40:44+08:00Yales Veva Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Dinamika Maritim</strong> present the articles containing either fundamental or applied research in Marine Ecology and Geo-information field emphasized to shallow waters ecosystems, estuary and oceanography. We encourage the submitted paper will cover the area expertise such as Ocean Remote Sensing, Marine Geographic Information System, Coastal Dynamics and Ocean Modelling. <strong>Dinamika Maritim</strong> provide different feature i.e.<em> <em>original research paper, short communications and review paper</em>.</em></p> POLA ARUS DI KAWASAN PESISIR PANTAI KAWAL KABUPATEN BINTAN2020-10-10T03:40:44+08:00Iqbal Faiz Sarmadaiqbalfaizs1995@gmail.comYales Veva Dwirama Putramsdciyoo@gmail.comMario Putra<p>Research on current pattern modeling has been carried out in the Kawal coastal area of Bintan Regency. Kawal Beach is a tourist area, settlement and anchorage for fishing boats. These conditions will have an impact on the sustainability of coastal activities and conditions such as abrasion, sedimentation and shoreline changes. The purpose of this study was to look at the movement patterns of currents generated by tides, winds and analyze the current phenomena that occur in the coastal area of the guard. This flow modeling is carried out for 5 days using software MIKE 21 by entering wind, tidal parameters as a current modeling generator force. Research results in getting currents in the coastal area of Kawal are classified as tidal currents. Current movement at high tide tends towards South-Southwest, while at low tide the movement pattern of the current leads to the North. Current conditions at the highest tide range between 0.6 - 1.80 m / s and relatively the same as current conditions when heading for the lowest ebb with a velocity value between 0.4 - 1.80 m / s.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Iqbal Faiz Sarmada, Yales Veva Jaya, Risandi Dwirama Putra, Mario Putra Suhana (Author) BATHIMETRI MENGGUNAKAN SINGLEBEAM ECHOSOUNDER DI PERAIRAN PULAU SALI KABUPATEN HALMAHERA SELATAN2018-08-24T00:33:31+08:00Putri Zakia Gusmanputrizakia40@gmail.comYales Veva<p>Bathymetry is a measurement for the deepness of sea. The Sali Island are one of the destinations island for sightseeing, which means that there are many ships or speedboats passing through to escort tourists. The purpose of this study was to map the bathymetry of Sali Island’s waters based on the results of singlebeam echosounder measurements in the form of 2D and 3D maps. Bathymetric mapping is done in the Sali Island’s waters, South Halmahera Regency on 7-25 March 2017.Bathymetry data is obtained from singlebeam echosounder MK III measurements that were corrected for tidal values. Tides are analyzed using the Admiralty method. Data was processed using MapInfo Professional 10 software, Surfer 11. Based on this study, the depth of Sali Island’s waters ranged from 20-260 m which had a diverse seabed shape that was sloping and steep with mixed tidal types inclined to double daily.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Putri Zakia Gusman, Yales Veva Jaya, Try Febrianto (Author) PERUBAHAN GARIS PANTAI DI PULAU DOMPAK PERIODE 2005-20152018-08-24T01:09:18+08:00Ricky Try Noer Hidayahrickytrynoerhidayah@gmail.comRisandi Dwirama Putramsdciyoo@gmail.comYales Veva Putra<p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perubahan dan panjang garis pantai di pulau Dompak Kota Tanjungpinang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengolahan citra dari 2 data citra Landsat 7 dan 8 bertipe level 1. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan melakukan koreksi radiometrik, koreksi atmosferik, koreksi pasang surut sehingga diperoleh data perubahan garis pantai. Selanjutnya analisis perubahan garis pantai pada tahun 2005-2015 dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS). Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pantai Pulau Dompak mengalami perubahan garis pantai baik sedimentasi maupun abrasi. Pada tahun 2005-2015 rata-rata perubahan garis pantai Pulau Dompak per tahun adalah abrasi dengan nilai 0.30 m. Dengan demikian pola perubahan garis pantai di Pulau Dompak adalah abrasi.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Ricky Try Noer Hidayah, Risandi Dwirama Putra, Yales Veva Jaya (Author); Mario Putra Suhana WARMING DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK GELOMBANG LAUT DI PANTAI TIMUR PULAU BINTAN YANG DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF KLIMATOLOGI2018-08-24T01:16:19+08:00Dea Jessi Illonamsdciyoo@gmail.comYales Veva Joei Koenawanmsdciyoo@gmail.comMario Putra<p>The influence of global warming has impact on physics oceanographic conditions such as rising sea surface temperature (SST). Beside that, the increase of temperature will affect to climate change which also increase the global wind speed so it will has implied for future ocean wave height. In this study aims to determine the characteristics of ocean wave at the east coast Bintan Island. Hind casting of ocean wave start by processing sea surface wind by downloaded from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), data will be extracted through Ocean Data View (ODV) and analyzed by using wind rose. The characteristic of wind used for calculation effective fetch length for referred to Sverdrup Munk Bretschneider (SMB) method. Fluctuation of SST will be compared to ocean wave height. Result of this study showed that there were differences in the character of ocean waves on a small scale between 1985-1989 as the year that rising temperature have not yet assumed significantly and 2001-2005 temperature begin increase intensively. The pattern of ocean wave at the east coast Bintan Island effected by seasonal wind that moves periodically with the two highest wind speed from north and south, along with lowest speed is during the transition.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Dea Jessi Illona, Yales Veva Jaya, Chandra Joei Koenawan (Author); Mario Putra Suhana SUHU PERMUKAAN LAUT BERDASARKAN DATA CITRA SATELIT NOAA-AVHRR DAN DATA ARGO FLOAT DI PERAIRAN SELATAN JAWA2018-08-24T01:25:28+08:00Ade Imam Akhbaradeimam.akhbar@yahoo.comYales Veva<p>Sea surface temperature is one of the important oceanographic parameters, sea surface temperature in the southern sea of Java, including one of the sea that get the influence of the monsoon system which causes sea surface temperatures in the southern sea of Java are always changing. The aim this study was to determined sea surface temperature in southern sea of Java based on NOAA-AVHRR image data analysis and Argo Float analysis, the difference in sea surface temperature from NOAA-AVHRR image data with Argo Float. This research was conducted with image processing method from 7 NOAA-AVHRR image data of type level 1B, processed sea surface temperature algorithm by McMillin & Crosby. Argo Float is processed with Ocean Data Software View Version 4.7.3. to get temperature profile and the top layer temperature is assumed be sea surface temperature from Argo Float. The results of this study indicate the value of sea surface temperature from NOAA-AVHRR image is lower than Argo Float data with a difference of 1.01 ° C to 1.41 ° C at 7 observation data.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Ade Imam Akhbar, Yales Veva Jaya, Try Febrianto (Author) DIGITAL CITRA LANDSAT UNTUK DETEKSI PERUBAHAN GARIS PANTAI TRIKORA KABUPATEN BINTAN2018-08-24T01:33:51+08:00Rafiqul M Ichsanmsdciyoo@gmail.comYales Veva Dwirama Putramsdciyoo@gmail.comMario Putra<p>Trikora beach is a coastal area with a diverse set of potential in Bintan. Remote sensing is a technique of detection of an object with a high efficiency level. Information changes the shoreline is required to review the management of the territory. Research on probe coastline changes using Landsat satellite imagery with combine method of Single Band 5 Threshold and Band Ratio the calculate of changes the coastline by Digital Shorline Analysis System. Final results of calculation changes accretion of Trikora coastline caused by the influence of human activity such as infrastructure development and changes of the land function this occurs most obviously seen in the period of the year 1995-2005. The abrasion phenomena for the Trikora Beach caused by natural factors such as wave, changes in the pattern of currents, tidal variations and climate change, this happened during on 1990-1995 years.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Rafiqul M Ichsan, Yales Veva Jaya, Risandi Dwirama Putra (Author); Mario Putra Suhana ZONA POTENSIAL PENANGKAPAN IKAN BERDASARKAN CITRA SATELIT AQUA/TERRA MODIS DI PERAIRAN SELATAN PULAU JAWA2018-08-24T01:43:10+08:00Masri Ginting Munthemasriginting@rocketmail.comYales Veva Dwirama<p>Remote sensing is technique to observe oceanographic parameters such as sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration without contact with objects. Remote sensing techniques have excellence ability in analyzing large area and resolve to take retrieval data is more efficient. Remote sensing can combined with geographical information system to determine the potential fishing zone (ZPPI). The southern sea of Java Island is potential fishing areas in Indonesia. The purpose of this study to determine potential fishing zone by observe condition the seas which habitat species using the parameters of sea surface temperature (SPL) and chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL) parameters. Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration are important parameters for identify potential fishing zones. The method used in study analysis of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration using AQUA/TERRA MODIS satellite imagery data processed on ENVI, ErMapper, and ArcGIS software. The sea of South Java are 166 potential fishing zones. spread evenly from Banten to East Java it can be conclude that the southern sea of Java Island are still in good condition and deserve to be potential fishing zone.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Masri Ginting Munthe, Yales Veva Jaya, Risandi Dwirama Putra (Author) KERAPATAN MANGROVE DAN PRODUKSI SERASAH MANGROVE TERHADAP KELIMPAHAN GASTROPODA DI PERAIRAN DOMPAK TANJUNGPINANG2018-08-24T01:51:38+08:00Agis Dita Supriadiagisditasupriadi@gmail.comIta Karlinamsdciyoo@gmail.comFadhliyah<p>The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between mangrove density and mangrove litter production to the abundance of gastropods in Dompak Tanjungpinang waters. This research is done by random sampling method as much as 3 station or 15 plot of quadrant transect with plot size 10x10 m. Collected data is tabulated and grouped by variable type, mangrove density data and mangrove litter production as variable (X) and gastropod abundance as variable (Y). From the results of simple linear regression analysis there is a relationship between mangrove density to gastropod abundance with coefficient value (R2) 0,1756 or 17,56% and relation of mangrove litter production to gastropod abundance with coefficient value (R2) 0,1498 or 14,98% . Sampling of mangroves litter by mounting litter traps measuring 10x10 m. Production of mangrove litter at station I with value 344,253 gbk/100m2/15hari, value at station II is 234,353 gbk/100m2/15hari, and value at station III is 386,574 gbk/100m2/15hari. Factors that affect the high low litter production are mangrove and wind density.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Agis Dita Supriadi, Ita Karlina, Fadhliyah Idris (Author) SEDIMEN PANTAI TIMUR PULAU BINTAN ROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAU2018-08-24T02:00:23+08:00Mario Putra Wayan Nurjayamsdciyoo@gmail.comNyoman Metta N.<p>The research carried out is one part of a series of researches concerning shoreline changes of east coast of Bintan Island during 2005-2014. In this part of the study analyzed the characteristics of coastal sediments of east coast of Bintan Island which is one of the factors that compose the beach profile. Analysis of sediment samples follows standard procedures of ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). The analysis results show that overall of sedimentary characteristics indicate the type of coastal sediment on east coast of Bintan Island is slightly gravelly sand.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Putra Suhana, I Wayan Nurjaya, Nyoman Metta N. Natih (Author) KELIMPAHAN IKAN KARANG PADA EKOSISTEM TERUMBU KARANG UNTUK ZONA INTI DI KABUPATEN BELITUNG2018-08-24T02:08:38+08:00Donny J. Sriatimsdciyoo@gmail.comDany Arisandi<p>The research was carried out in March 2014 in Belitung District aims to study the abundance of reef fish, and determine the suitability of the area on coral reef community. This research using the method of survey on six stations observations determined based on resource utilization activities around the station, primarily tourism activities. Analysis of the conformity analysis is used to determine the core zone of the area of coral reefs. Parameters in determining the suitability of the core zone includes the quality of the waters, index of ecological fish, the percentage coverage of the coral, the reef ecological index, and the existence of important economically as well as biodiversity and rare species. The results showed Underwater Visual Census (UVC) found an abundance of reef fish ranges between 61 – 448 individuals and 33 species in the entire station. Found 12 family Ambassidae, Blenniidae, i.e., Chaetodontidae, Gobiidae, Haemulidae, Labridae, Lutjanidae, Mullidae, Pomacanthidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, and Siganidae, conditions of coral reefs in the waters of the Belitung district included in the category are up to. The percentage of coverage of the coral reefs in the observation stations ranged between 37.37%-81.77%. The corresponding observation stations for the core zone is located on Pulau Begador, Batu Berlayar and Batu Garuda, while a very appropriate observation stations for the core zone is located on Pulau Lengkuas, Pulau Babi, and Batu Malang Penyu.</p>2018-08-24T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Donny J. Prihadi, Sriati Sriati, Dany Arisandi Prasetyo (Author)